Vintage Speedcars

Vintage Speedcar Association 90th Anniversary Celebration of Speedway at “The Ekka”
Having received a brochure from the Vintage Speedcar Club some 15 months ago, I decided to keep it in mind for the October, 2016 club run, with the help of our then secretary John. The Association’s Club House and Grounds are at 219 Market Street, Newmarket. I use to travel through Newmarket some 40 years ago on my way into the city and it is not far from the general hospital at Herston.
Sunday 16th October duly arrived and I was still unsure how the run would be received, wondering if anyone else would be there. On arrival I spotted a little black A30 already there, so drove in an parked next to it. I was soon followed by president Kev and Paul in their A70 Hereford sedan, then came Merv and Margaret in their very nice Freeway station wagon. They were followed by more recent AMVCQ member, Mark Ellem in his 1968 1800, of which he is very proud. He lives nearby at Alderley.
“We were treated to an impressive display of vintage, modern, and miniature speedcars. Kids were not left out either, with a number of speed pedal cars on show.”
Irene took photos of all five cars who did our club proud with a good display, but then I am biased. The Association’s display was to one side with both vintage and modern speedcars, together with solo bikes. There were eleven in all, and all in running order. Occasionally a few still race at Gatton Showgrounds. (Demonstration days are also held at Boonah Showgrounds now and then, Editor).

Also on display were miniature speedcars and speedcar looking children’s pedal cars in club colours.
On display at the Club House were photos of cars and drivers going back 90 years. A video was running showing cars racing on a country track. On one wall was a massive honour board with “Champions of the Year” for each of the last 90 years, very impressive.
The Club supplied morning tea with scones, cake and teat or coffee free.
Club members set up their chairs under a massive fig tree that must have been 90 to 100 years old. The BBQ was fired up with very nice sausages in blankets for sale at $2 each. This was the only on site cost incurred for the day.
A few other members who came in plastic moderns walked in, not wishing to display their cars!
There was Bernie and Madonna Bianchi from Toowoomba and one of our founding members, Mr. Waller himself. Together both clubs put on a good display, enjoyed by all who attended.
My personal thanks to those members who came, it made my day.
Regalia and Events Co-ordinator