Membership Info — Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Queensland (Inc.)

40 years of being a club for all Austin vehicle models enthusiasts - join up today!


Club Membership

The Club’s membership year runs from 1 July until the following 30 June. The membership fee of the Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Queensland is $50 per annum ($25 if you first join on or after 1 January in the membership year) for Australian and overseas residents and open to all interested. There is a one off joining fee of $20, making the total fee in the first year of membership $70 ($45 if you first join on or after 1 January in the membership year). Renewal of membership is due on 1 July, each year. You can renew your membership online via the Members Only section of this website.

Members are encouraged to attend meetings and join in the activities of the Club. Members meet on the first Thursday of each month (except January) at the Veteran Car Club, 1376 Old Cleveland Road, Carindale, Qld at 7.30pm and country members are especially welcome if they are in town on that evening. Although meetings are the forum for official Club business, they are also a social gathering where you can meet other members, discuss problems you may be having with your car, participate in Club activities and gain an understanding of how the Club operates.

Monthly Club activities are arranged and all members, families and friends are most welcome. A Library is maintained containing videos and reference books for most models. Spare parts advice and availability is provided and Regalia items are also available.

If you are interested in joining our club, you are most welcome to come along to one of our club meetings to meet members and see what our club is all about. Click on the Calendar option at the top of this page to find out the next monthly club meeting.

Membership Benefits

  • Attend club events

  • Free use of online classifieds

  • Support the website and other member services

  • Vehicle registration concession qualification

  • Club library access

  • Access to an invaluable pool of expertise on all things Austin

Queensland Special Interest Vehicles Registration

A special interest vehicle registration concession is available if you are registering a classic or vintage car, based on the vehicle having limited road use. Click here for further information, including information about the Impromptu Run rules and notification form.

Application for Club Membership

If you wish to apply for membership of the club, please complete the form below. Once completed, please click on the submit button and your membership application form will be sent to us. You are also required to pay the relevant annual membership fee plus the one off $20 joining fee at the time of submitting your membership application form ($70 if you apply prior to 1 January in the membership year, $45 if you apply on or after 1 January in the membership year). You will be notified once your application has been approved.

The applicable membership fee can be paid as follows:

  1. To the Treasurer at a monthly meeting or event with cash or cheque; or

  2. Forward cheque or money order to:

    The Treasurer
    AMVC of Qld (Inc)
    1376 Old Cleveland Road

  3. By bank transfer or direct deposit to the club’s bank account, details as follows:

Bank: Bank of Queensland
Account Name: Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Queensland (Inc)
BSB number: 124 031
Account number: 10080079

In reference area please enter your NAME


Have any other questions?

If you have any other questions about membership or our club, please contact us.