Austins Over Australia 2017

Austins Over Australia (AOA) is a national rally where Austin owners and enthusiasts from across Australia come together. This event takes place every 2 years on the Easter long weekend and is hosted by a different Austin Club each time.
Austins Over Australia 2017
Hosted by Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Queensland
Bi-annual National Austin 4 Day Event
14–17 April 2017
Ipswich Queensland 4305
The weekend consists of organised drives, car displays, visits to local places of interest and generally having an enjoyable time with like-minded people. The Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Queensland (AMVCQ) is thrilled to hosting this time around. Anyone can take part in AOA, but you must pre-register to take part in the event. Owning or driving an Austin isn't mandatory, but the more the merrier!
Regalia orders, rally book entries, meal orders, and event registration have already closed.
Austins Over Australia 2017 Program
The Austins Over Australia Committee and the Austin Motor Vehicle Club Qld warmly welcomes you to Ipswich. We thank you for your participation and the effort involved in making the time to attend the 2017 Ipswich AOA.
Headquarters for the weekend is the Bundamba/Ipswich Racecourse. All tours will leave from the racecourse with a briefing each morning before departure.
For those arriving early, the Programme Book has some self guided tours and maps featuring points of interest in the Ipswich and surrounding areas.
Registration 1pm to 4 pm.
Registration 9am to 3pm.
Friday night 7pm to 9pm is the meet and greet (nibbles only), which is a free event. It will be held in the Registration area and all entrants are encouraged to attend to renew acquaintances and make new ones. By the end of the weekend we would like all entrants to know each other by name.
9am departure for a trip around the Scenic Rim ending in Boonah where you will be able to purchase what ever you choose for lunch as they are expecting us. The run sheet is in the Programme Book. In your Rally Pack will also be other points of interest in the Boonah area. Most of these are smaller operations and obviously we cannot take 300 people there at once. Consequently, we have left the afternoon free and some entrants may wish to have lunch at some of the attractions, rather than in Boonah itself. We encourage you to read the information included so that good choices can be made. Saturday night is of your own choosing.
Display day will be in the racecourse car park starting at 9am. There will be food and coffee available and also the train rides if you have booked (see "Venues and transport" below). The Rocker Cover Race and Easter Bonnet Parade will be held in the area beside the Registration point starting at 10am.
The Delegates Meeting will be held in the Registration area at 1pm and those willing to participate in the running of future AOAs are encouraged to attend.
Sunday night will be the official Dinner at Rosewood. The theme for the Sunday Official Dinner is 1950s and 60s.
9am departure for a tour through the Brisbane and Lockyer vallyes with lunch at Laidley. After lunch, you are encouraged to see what the Laidley township and district has to offer. Also, consult your map and travel back to Ipswich via a different route.
Monday night will be the farewell dinner at the same venue as Sunday night.
Venues and transport
Bundamba/Ipswich Racecourse
Headquarters and Rally day starts.
If you are travelling from the Ipswich CBD, down Brisbane Road, take note that you cannot make a right turn into TL Cooney Avenue. You can turn right at the prior intersection (traffic lights) into Stafford Street and then a left into Videron Street, over the railway line and then left into TL Cooney Avenue. If you miss the right turn into Stafford Street, you can turn right off Brisbane Road into Wickham Street (first right turn after TL Cooney Avenue), then do a U-turn, turn left back onto Brisbane Road and then first left into TL Cooney Avenue.
Swanbank Heritage Railway
Sunday Display Day.
The railway station is just outside the racecourse. There will be steam train rides in the old Sunlander carriages. There will be 3 trips on the Sunday (16 April) at 10.30 am, 12 noon and 1.30 pm. Seating is limited to 120 seats per journey, so please visit the railway website prior for prices and bookings.
The Sunday and Monday Dinners.
The official dinner will be held at the hall in the Rosewood Showgrounds. Rosewood is a 20 minute drive from Ipswich. There will be buses available to and from the dinners on Sunday and Monday nights for those who do not wish to drive. The buses will pick up from the Ipswich motels from 5.30pm and return to the Ipswich motels leaving Rosewood at 9.30pm. You will be asked at registration if you wish to partake of this service and if so, Ann will take the bus fare and your motel details. The cost of the bus fare is yet to be confirmed.
Trailer Parking
Trailer parking will be available a half hour drive out of Ipswich on the Toowoomba / Ipswich road. The area is not lockable but is a distance from the road. If you require trailer parking let us know and we will give you the address.
The Austins Over Australia 2017 rally fee is $150.00 and includes an AOA 2017 Rally Pack containing a colour Rally Book, Calendar, Grille Badge, Cloth Patch, Rally Programme and Maps. Entrants with two cars will only need to pay one fee (only 1 rally pack issued per paid registration).
The button below will open an online registration form including instructions for payment by EFT or cheque. Your rally number will be allocated and sent sometime after payment is received.
Step 1: Please complete and submit or print and post to the Secretary, details below.
Step 2: Payment must be made separately with 14 days of registration.
Registrations close end of February 2017.
Rally Book
The Rally Book is underway. so if you have not sent your car details please do so immediately and you may get included. Email Nairn Hindhaugh at
The button below will open an online registration form to submit details of your vehicle/s for the Austins Over Australia 2017 rally book.
Step 1: Please complete and submit or print and post to the Secretary, details below.
Step 2: Photos of your vehicle/s can be emailed to: or posted to the Secretary. See contact details below.
Submissions close end of January 2017.
Friday meet and greet is a free event with nibbles only, drinks will be available from the bar. Saturday lunch will be your choice in Boonah. Saturday night be also be your choice. At the Sunday Display Day food and drinks will be available.
If you wish to purchase please download the form. Orders close end of February 2017.
The Regalia and Badges have been ordered.
A range of limited edition Austins Over Australia 2017 regalia is being produced for delivery in 2017.
If you wish to purchase please download the form. Orders close 31 December 2016.
Visit and to book online or
call 07 3281 0555 and ask the Information Centre to book for you.
Rally Director, Kev Airton
Mobile 0438 702 910
Secretary, Nairn Hindhaugh
The Secretary
AOA 2017
PO Box 301, Coorparoo Qld 4151