Milestone reached for Bromley Wanderer

Milestone reached for Bromley Wanderer

The last time the Wanderer was out, she arrived home with the mileage clock showing 99,900 miles. We knew the next time out would see the clock go back to 00000, as the 100,000 mile mark was reached.

With the Saturday of our Labour Weekend holiday turning out fine and warm, we took the Farina out for a nice day on the Southland Plains. We were also eager to watch the tumblers roll over to zero again sometime on the way home.

During the journey home we watched the mileage clock wind up to the big event, and with around 7 miles to go, we turned off onto a quiet country road with plenty of verge space, so we could stop and celebrate. Michelle had brought along a 'cheap' bottle of champagne to pour over the car's bonnet to mark the occasion.

When the tumblers started to roll over, it actually took a wee while before they were all showing 00000 again, and at one stage of the process, we weren't sure whether they would all properly line up again.

Job done, we then pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. Michelle opened the bottle of 'good stuff', had a quick 'taste' to make sure the car would like it too, then proceeded to pour the contents over the bonnet. We gave the car a pat and said: "Well done girl!"

So, according to where the mileage clock is now set, we have a 'brand new' A40 Farina again! We were pleased we had made a fuss over the Farina reaching this milestone in its history. We certainly had a few laughs doing it.

This is the second car Michelle has owned that has turned the clock back to zero, the first being a Ford Anglia she owned a long time ago. I have never had this experience before, as all the cars I owned were already over that point, or still well under the mark.