A couple of members are already attending this festival as private individuals. It is suggested that some members might be interested in attending on the Sunday. There is a Classic Car from yesteryear display down the main street. Assembly for this is from 8 am so this may deter some. If you wish to display your car you will need to register (refer to the article on the main website page "Get ready for jumpers and jazz" for a link to their website or email info@austinmotorvehicleclubqld.org for the registration forms). We will discuss this aspect at our June meeting.
Accommodation could be difficult to obtain in Warwick but I am sure Toowoomba and or Stanthorpe would be able to accommodate. Another option is to have lunch in Leslie Park which is close to the City Centre.
More to follow...........
Details of where to send are included on the registration form (PDF).