At the meeting it was agreed we would conduct a midweek run to the Caboolture Warplane Museum.
Entry is $10.00 Per adult or $7.00 for holders of Pension or Benefits Cards
Date Tuesday 27/10/20 (It was agreed to have a mid-week run due to the horror traffic conditions on the Bruce Highway at weekends)
Arrival Time. Suggest an arrival time of between 9.30-10.00 am
We will have morning tea here BYO and then proceed to Rocksberg Park Heritage Reserve at the end of Caboolture River Road. The museum will have table and chairs for us but bring your own chairs just in case.
This is close to the headwaters of the Caboolture River. Here we can have lunch BYO and head home when ready.
If you think you will attend please email Ken Parker and advise numbers thanks. The Museum may need to arrange additional helpers to show us around.
For the adventure types you may wish to arrange a flight either in the Wirraway or a scenic flight for a group of 3 in a Cessna 172. If you are keen you will need to contact
Neil Wilson - PRESIDENT - 0448 932 484
Wirraway Adventure Flight:- from $450
Cessna 172 thirty minute Scenic Flight for 3 people:- from $200
Below is the Museum’s COVID tracing form for completion. Please complete and bring with you to save time on arrival.