Chrysler Expo is planned to go ahead, Sunday 5 September at Rocklea Show Grounds (unless there’s a Qld Health Directive or maybe bad weather is forecast). Here’s a few pointers to make it easier for you and us.
Entry to the Show Grounds will be from Goburra St, Ipswich Rd end with no stopping at the street entrance (this will avoid traffic congestion in surrounding streets). Should parking spaces on the Show Grounds reach capacity, vehicles will be directed to the Rocklea State School oval, about 100m left hand side down Goburra St from the main Show Grounds entrance.
Entry for heavy vehicles, exhibitors, stall holders etc onto the oval, will be from Goburra St, close to Pegg Rd.
Inside these entrances, there will be a place to stop to confirm your Covid registration and pay your admission fee. If you can complete your Covid registration before this entry point - great, and have the correct money ready ($10pp, children under 14 free). This will help keep the lines moving.
In order to protect all of us, social distancing is required. Although masks are not compulsory at present, it is highly recommended. For added precautions, we have engaged cleaners and security people to ensure full compliance.