Fish and Chip Run to Victoria Point and Manly

This run was a repeat of one we did in January 2011 when Toowoomba, the Lockyer Valley, Ipswich and Brisbane were on the verge of the worst flooding seen in SE Qld in many years. Not so this time, there was no rain in sight.
It was a very hot humid Brisbane day. Never the less for the first run of the 2017, members in ten cars met at the clubrooms at 1.30pm ready for the afternoon drive. We departed at 2pm and drove via Old Cleveland Road, Tilley Road and Mt Cotton Road to Victoria Point where we had afternoon tea in the shade of a large tree at Yeo Park near the water’s edge. Brian and Lorraine from Ipswich joined us here in their A40. Victoria Point has grown from a nice quiet backwater into a sea of houses and shopping centres, just like everywhere else, but the coastal parks are still there with their bay and island views. Yeo Park is south east facing with its foreshore adjoining Redland Bay.
We were on the move again about 4pm and took a non-stop but scenic roundabout route to Manly. We drove to and round the point at Victoria Point, then up to Cleveland where we also went round the point and then just to complete our visits to ‘Points’, we went to Wellington Point and did the same there. Having completed ‘all Points’ available, we then, as far as possible, followed a fairly direct route to Manly where we landed just after 5pm near the boat harbour.
Kev and Paula met us at Manly. Being a hot afternoon, there were a lot of other folk out and about enjoying the coolish breeze, but there was room for all and we all sat together under one of the big shelters. The Batwatch Café was a popular spot and they supplied very tasty fish and chips (and ice cream for some) which were enjoyed in the lengthening shadows of the late afternoon. It was a good way to start off the New Year. Good also to see some Austins out and about. Some of us did though go air-conditioned in more modern cars. Nairn commented that the most modern Austin on the day was made 47 years ago, an 1800, the oldest was just 64, an A40! The numbers might be getting bigger, but we still enjoy driving them. All agreed, it was a good start to the year and we look forward to more great runs in 2017