All aboard to Nambour and historical Buderim

March's run (25 March, 2018) was a visit to Nambour to see Model Railway Park arranged by Doug Benckendorff, where we had morning tea, followed by a short drive over to Buderim to inspect the Pioneer Cottage. As it was a Sunday, and knowing how heavy traffic can be on the Bruce Highway, especially on the way home in the afternoon, our group of six cars that left Chermside in the morning consisted of five modern vehicles and only one Austin. Vern was the exception, he and Val were in their A50 and they had no issues keeping up with the flow of traffic on the day. Ken and Desley went up separately from Caboolture and took their A30.
At Nambour we met up with Doug and other members. Parking for Austins was arranged within the model railway grounds, while the rest of us found parking in the streets outside. Rain had made the grounds very wet underfoot, and there were a few showers on the day too. The model railway club had morning tea available for purchase and train rides were also available, but queues for the trains were long and a few showers also intervened. For further information go to
We left Nambour at about 11.30 and followed Doug’s instructions to drive to Buderim. Navigating one’s way through Nambour can be a bit tricky so we travelled in a couple of groups following someone more familiar with the local area. Entry to the Pioneer Cottage was available for a small charge. The home was built using pit-sawn cedar and beech around 1880 by J.K. Burnett, a local and original resident of Buderim. The cottage is listed by the National Trust and National Estate Register, is owned by the Buderim War Memorial Community Association and cared for by the Buderim Historical Society. The rooms are furnished in period decor and there are also displays of some Buderim historical memorabilia. Arrangements had been made for us to have our lunch at the Cottage. For further information go to
Again, it was good to see some members we had not seen for a while and a few had travelled some distance to be with us this day. On the way home, a few of us accepted the invitation to call in to see Graham and Janice Brewster in their new home at Golden Beach, having relocated recently from Zillmere. Even though the traffic on the road to Brisbane was heavy and there were a few rain showers, the drive went smoothly and we all got home relatively early, rounding off another good outing. Thanks again to Doug for making all the necessary arrangements.