Our visit to Logan Village Historical Museum

The first run for the year (January 21, 2018) commenced at the club rooms departing at 9 am. An easy drive saw us arrive at Waterford West at about a quarter to ten for morning tea, where we met more members who had secured a nice shady tree for shelter from the sun.

The nearby Tygum lagoon is home to the Brisbane Model Boat Club and they sail their boats on Sunday mornings, so we were able to see some of their models in action. There was a very nice model of a WW2 Heavy Cruiser, the USS Indianapolis, the ship was used to deliver parts of the first atomic bomb, "Little Boy" to Tinian, from where the B29s left to bomb Japan. However, the Indianapolis was later sunk by a Japanese submarine on 30 July 1945. Only 317 of her crew survived.

Below is a photo of the model of the USS Indianapolis (colour) and below that are some photos of the real things (B&W).

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After morning tea, we left for a back roads drive to the Logan Village Historical Museum, where we were given an introductory talk by one of their volunteers before we had a good look at the displays in the three historical buildings on site. They have their own facebook page, which you can access either by searching for "Logan Historical Village" or by clicking here.

Lunch was had under some very shady trees adjacent to the museum. Eleven Austins participated in the run, as well as a few modern vehicles. 25 members were in attendance, including a few we do not see too often, so it was good to catch up on the latest news. We all moseyed off about 2 pm after a very easy days outing.