Club outing to Beaudesert - third time's the charm!

Third time lucky, but this time the weather was perfect for Mike Wade’s Waterford to Beaudesert via the back ways run on Saturday, 31 August 2019.
This was our August outing - something that Mike had organised for October last year and February this year, but got washed out. So, a glorious Saturday morning found five Austins and two others setting off from an open park near Fitzy’s Restaurant in Waterford. It’s a pity there were so few, as this was one of those runs with great weather, very little traffic and extremely scenic roads to enjoy. Those who came included Mike in his Sprite, Brian and Lorraine Wright in their A40 Somerset Convertible, John Elsol in his Lancer and David Bright and Nairn Hindhaugh, both in Automatic 1800s. We were joined by David James in his 1966 Mustang and Malcolm Johnston with Clay Eaton as his passenger in his Mazda.
It was an easy run to our morning tea stop at the Tamborine Village Community Hall where there are picnic facilities. We were joined by Peter and Carol Jones in their Colorado SUV. From there it was another easy run on generally open roads to our lunch stop at Jubilee Park in Beaudesert. The main park was full (surely people should be doing their Saturday shopping at this time!) but we found another equally suitable place to park our cars together and enjoy lunch and a good chat which is part of what we do.
A big thanks to Mike whose patience paid off for a most enjoyable day and to John Elsol for supplying some the photos.