The last Austin sold in Australia - 50 year anniversary

Fifty years ago, 1973 marks a sad anniversary in that the last new Austin sold in Australia was the Mark II Austin Kimberley and Tasman. The Leyland P76 which replaced the X6 twins was announced on 26th June, ending an almost unbroken 66 year run of Austins sold in this country from about 1907.
On a slightly brighter note, the Austin Allegro range was announced in May 1973. This was received with mixed reviews; it replaced the outstandingly successful Austin/Morris 1100 which had run for over 10 years, selling over 2 million copies, but unfortunately wasn’t as well received in the British market place.
1973 Austin Kimberley Mk II
1973 Austin Tasman Mk II
1973 Austin Allegro Range
Nairn Hindhaugh