Increase in mechanical testing klm radius for vehicles on concessional registration

A major change has recently occurred with the road test radius (for vehicles registered under the special interest vehicle (SIV) scheme) increasing from 15km to 30km from the place where the vehicle is garaged or is being repaired.
The purpose of the travel must be to road test the vehicle following repair or restoration, or for general vehicle maintenance and not for any other purpose. This does not include use as an everyday means of transport. A passenger may travel in your vehicle to assist with road testing—only if your vehicle can legally carry passengers.
You can work out where the 30km radius circle boundary is from any address by using this link .
You can also refer to information on the special interest vehicle (SIV) scheme on our website, which includes a link to the Queensland government website outlining these rules. Just click here for the club’s webpage on SIV registration, which also includes the Impromptu Run Notification form for AMVCQ members.