Looking for Austin parts?

If you are looking for that allusive parts for your Austin, our club website can help.
Here are some options for you:
Send us an email at info@austinmotorvehicleclubqld.org with details of the part you’re looking for and, if if you can, a photo of the part. We can then include it in the “Help me with…” section in the next Austin Times and also put it up on the classifieds section of our club website.
We will also raise your parts challenge at the next club member’s meeting to see if anyone attending can provide some help.
Further, as a club, have a number of spare parts stored at various club members premises (we’re currently investigating having all the club spare parts stored on the clubhouse grounds and having a club member act as the Spare Parts Manager - more news to come on this). So, we may have the part that you’re looking for.
We have some links (select Links from the top menu of the website and then scroll down to “Parts for Austins”) on our website to those who can supply spare parts for Austins. These include:
British Classic Spare Parts - Located on the Sunshine Coast, this commercial business provides spare parts to various models of British cars.
British Classic Car Buy Swap Sell - a new personal project of Andrew McCurdy, this is a dedicated classifieds web site for owners and fellow enthusiasts within the Australian British classic car community. Previously focused on MG parts, the site has recently been expanded to include other marques and given it a new identity. Joining British Classic Car Buy Swap Sell is absolutely free, as is placing ads. Users can place as many ads as they’d like, each including as many photos as they like. Although free, donations are always welcome to help support the site’s on-going costs.
Good luck with those repairs and projects!