Strawberry Fields forever - Club run to Bli Bli

I had a great day out on the run (Saturday June 15) and the weather was just right for a “top down” day out in Mike’s Sprite. It was one of the best days out I have had in classic British car and it had been a long time since I had been in a British sports car.
I was really impressed with Mike’s Sprite, it performs really well with the 1330cc engine and higher gear diff. With the good road cam it has a ton of torque and easily foots it with modern traffic. I particularly enjoyed the run back to Brisbane on the motorway, with many people around us showing their joy at seeing the little Austin sports car.
I enjoyed the venues (McMartin’s Farm and Harry’s Hut) that we went to, both very pretty places and the company of other club members to chat with, really topped the day off.
Thanks to Doug for organising the run and to the other members that were on the run. Thanks to all for a great day out that I will remember for a long time.
Below are string of photos I took while on the run.