Across Australia Trek update No 2

Arriving in Longreach was a welcomed two day stop for our intrepid adventurers, Merv and Margaret Thompson. Below is a short video of Merv bringing in the Model ‘T’ for the perfect photo.
After the break in Longreach, they departed on Monday 25 July for Winton. Below is a video of Day 8 morning tea stop on route to Winton and a photo of the sunset in Winton.
Sunset at The Long Waterhole Winton.
Day 9, Tuesday 26th, and the rally left The Long Waterhole at Winton to travel to Kynuna for a lunch stop, then onto Julia Creek for an overnight stop (see video below).
Day 12, Friday 29 July, saw Merv and Margaret arrive in Camooweal where they and the other rally participants camped at The Billabongs on the Georgina River - see video and photos below.
The Billabongs Camooweal
Nice parking spot at The Billabongs Camooweal
Camping at The Billabongs Camooweal
Tribute to the drivers Camooweal
The rally left for the Northern Territory on day 13, Saturday, July 30.
Again, you can follow the participants on FaceBook by searching “Brisbane to Broome”. There are many car clubs that are following the group and reporting.