A few of our members made it to Ormiston State School on Australia Day to take part in the festivities provided by the Bayside Vehicle Restorers Club in conjunction with the Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Club and the Austin 7 Club.
We were there bright and early with Bernie and Madonna, John Elsol, Nairn Hindaugh and Mark Ellem in our Austins with about another five hundred cars. Will and Annetta were on duty as members of the Bayside Club. Breakfast was provided for the price of raffle tickets. The proceeds from the raffle go to Sailability at Manly. Lots of interest was shown in the old Austins because it seems that everyones’ family had an Austin sometime in the past.
One gentleman wanted to buy Ken’s engine as a starter motor for his De Soto. Very cheeky! Another lovely man told us about his first job at a garage at Kessels Rd. where he unpacked crates containing Austin bits which he then had to assemble.
I failed my reporter’s test because Nairn immediately asked me did I get his name and number. Kicking myself ever since, because he probably had a few stories which would have been interesting to many members.
It was a very hot, steamy morning and we headed off to Manly using the run sheet provided by Mark. Manly was packed so we headed off home via Murarrie to collect grandchildren while Madonna, Bernie and Mark and family found the park and fish n chips. The photos are courtesy of Mark Ellem.
Here photos of club members and their cars at the event:
Here’s just a small selection of the other cars that attended the day - it was reported that there was a total of 562 cars: