The Austin Motor Vehicle Club of Qld (Inc) turns 40!

Fifteen Austins, 4 moderns and thirty-three people attended the birthday celebrations in Gympie from the 17-19 July 2021 for all or part of that time.
On Saturday some members congregated at Beerwah Coffee Club before heading north to the Great Eastern Motor Inn where we met up with the rest of the crew. Mike Mills was on hand to greet us at the motel. Glenn distributed our welcome pack of info about the Gympie Region, itinerary for the weekend, as well as the cloth badge, to celebrate 40 years designed, by Andrew. After lunch the cars headed off in convoy to the Gympie Car Club rooms for afternoon tea and chat with members from the Gympie Historic Auto Club. An interesting display of cars was appreciated by the members and the general public, including a couple of police officers.
Dinner was provided at the motel on Saturday night including a celebration cake, which was cut by two of the longest serving members in the club—Nairn Hindhaugh and David James. Ken produced an introduction for Nairn’s history of the club. Nairn reminisced and educated us about the club using photos from the last forty years (click here to see the slide show) . Some members appearing as very youthful versions of themselves. Glenn, with the help of Andrew, showed a video he had recorded of Kev giving an insight into the AMVCQ and its role (click here for the video). Andrew was responsible for the IT presentation on the night
Sunday morning we were up early and off to Gympie Railway station for our jaunt on the ‘Valley Rattler’, minus Nairn and Doug, who had to return home early. Glenn Todd is a volunteer on ‘The Rattler’, and it was his suggestion we hop on board.
We were suitably entertained by George, the volunteer guide for our carriage. George is a year 12 student who was able to share his wealth of knowledge about our journey and the train. A great example of the youth of today and a credit to his family.
We passed through Dagun and went out to Amamoor. We spent about forty minutes at Amamoor where the engine is rotated on a turntable (shades of Thomas the Tank engine) for the journey back to Dagan. At Dagan a string quartet entertained us with classical music. Wine and cheese tasting was provided and sampled by the patrons and various other stalls were available with their products.
We returned to Gympie in time for lunch in the park. Sunday afternoon was “fiddle with cars time” for the boys while the girls did their own thing. Andrew and Zahn Todd and Madonna Bianchi left us after lunch heading back for work on Monday.
Sunday night was Pizza or ‘whatever takes your fancy’ and then Monday morning we said good bye to Mike and Sue Wells, Ken and Desley Carter, Mike and Yvonne Wade and Chris and Christine Roberts and off we went to Boreen Point on the scenic route through Cedar Pocket Rd, Cedar Pocket Gap Rd, Wahpunga Lane, Dr Pages Rd and Lake Flat Rd with Glenn’s A30 in the lead. The local road work gang were in action on our route. Not there when Glenn and Heather ‘sussed’ out the route the week before.
The Apollonian Hotel allowed the group to park on the grass in front of the hotel. By then we had 9 Austins left, before we all departed for home via Pomona.
Another Happy Austin Event!